Welcome to Wheelchairs Against Guns

Please excuse our appearance while we are under construction. The new Wheelchairs Against Guns website will be online shortly. But rest assured, we are still in the trenches, conducting anti-violence workshops and speeches at inner city schools and churches.

Our mission is simple:

Protecting inner city children from the dangers of bullying and gun violence by teaching them ways to avoid potentially toxic situations. This includes conflict resolution strategies, improved decision making techniques, as well as tips for building and reinforcing self confidence.

Help us in our fight against bullying and gun violence

Wheelchairs Against Guns is a non-profit organization. Our entire program is financed by our founder’s disability check and the generosity of our supporters. If you would like to show your support for our mission, here are a few simple ways you can get involved:

gofundme-donate-button Donations — You can make a donation to Wheelchairs Against Guns through our Gofundme.com campaign by clicking here Donate To WAG Your funds will help pay for wheelchair accessible transportation for our disabled speakers conducting weekly anti-violence workshops in NYC schools and churches. It will also help pay for printed materials, administrative costs, and the designers and developers working on our new website.

Help us reach more kids — If you are a school or church administrator and would like to have us come out and conduct an anti-violence workshop for your youth, call our founder Kareem Nelson at 917.397.6065 or via the contact form below. We are also looking for places around NYC to host our community outreach events, so if you are willing to donate the use of your space, please be sure to get in touch with us.

Help us raise awareness in the community at large — If you are affiliated with a news or media outlet and are looking for a great human interest story. The struggles and challenges Kareem Nelson has faced, and the epiphany that eventually lead to him changing his life and starting the non-profit organization Wheelchairs Against Guns will surely strike a chord with your audience. His story takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride — evoking feelings of sadness, anger, then finally triumph and inspiration. For interviews, call Kareem at 917.397.6065 or send a message using the contact form below.

Contact Us

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Copyright © 2015 Wheelchairs Against Guns